Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I am frustrated....

I took a half day off this morning just to "catch up" around the house. For the first time in months, everyone has clean sheets on their bed. I can't remember the last time I got everyone's sheets done in one day! I spent all morning working in the house....trying to get things reorganized and put up from some neglect that has occurred the past couple of weeks. I worked hard. Nonstop. Went to Target and Albertsons to get groceries and other necessities. Paid some bills. It wasn't a lazy morning off. I was extremely productive.

Then I go to work and I work really hard at work. I knock out some stuff that had been hanging over my head.

I am thinking woohoo maybe on Friday, which is usually my day off, I will actually get to enjoy it...since I was so productive today.

Then, my dad calls and tells me I have an appointment Friday morning in Granbury at 9:45am to talk to a contractor about the remaining issue with my building. AAAARRGGGGGHHHH. It has been so long since I have had a Friday all to myself. For the past two months I have been working on school on my day off. Now, I get to work on my commercial whole morning is shot!!!

I am frustrated with all the roles that I play. There isn't any downtime...and I am weary of that.....

There is always so much to do........and if I relax at all, then things pile up and I regret ever relaxing.

I miss having someone to share all this work with...........there is never any relief....

End of whine session.....back to reality.

I have much to be thankful for. Keep repeating this. I have much to be thankful for. I have much to be thankful for.

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