Friday, April 11, 2008

Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block

I went to a Will Graham training meeting the other night. There was a part of the talk caught my attention. The speaker was talking about difficult things that Christians go through and that our response to a difficult time in our life is to either let it be a stepping stone or a stumbling block.

I don't like thinking of Brian's death as a stepping if his death had to be there in order for me to get to the next step in my life. I am not sure the analogy completely fits but for the most part I agree with it. I have tried really hard not to let his death be a stumbling block for me. For the most part, I have succeeded. However, there are many times when my thoughts about what happened become a stumbling block. I get distracted by the "whys" and the "how's" and find myself trying to redefine who God is based on what has happened in my life.

I need to stop that. I need to let it go. I want to, but it's hard.

I'm praying that God will continue to show Himself to me and that I will put my trust completely in Him....

My thoughts have become my stumbling block.....

My actions reflect a choice to make it a stepping stone.....I'm rebuilding my life...I'm making great progress...

If I can just get control of my thoughts.....

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