Thursday, April 17, 2008

Some things I wanted to jot down....

A big round of thunderstorms gave us some excitement in our house tonight.

I am always amazed at my kids viewpoints of the storms....Here are some of the conversations that went on tonight:

Lexi: as she is staring out the window watching the rain and hail pour down..."I bet tomorrow that we are going to miss our extra recess time that we earned today" (she made this comment several times...apparently they worked hard to earn ten extra minutes of recess for tomorrow and she was not happy that it might be too muddy for them to play...)

Lexi: "it's helling out there"
Nathan: "Lexi you can't say that word right so you don't need to say it all"
Lexi: starting to cry, "but it is helling out there"
Nathan: "don't say that word Lexi, its inappropriate"
Me: "Lexi, it is is hailing out there....Nathan, give her a break"

Braden: "we are safe in this house aren't we mom?"
Me: "yes, we have a very safe house"
Braden: "daddy made us a safe house didn't he?"
Me: "Yes Braden he did and we are thankful for that aren't we?"

Kids keep life so interesting....

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