Saturday, April 05, 2008

Just for fun...

Just in case someone asks me what I did today, here it goes....

1. Wake up at 7:00am.
2. Take shower.
3. Cook bacon, eggs and make banana smoothies for my three plus my daughter's friend.
4. Clean up mess from cooking.
5. Clean up blankets and pillows from last night's "family movie night" event in the living room.
6. Vaccuum living room and Braden's room.
7. Work on my paper and realize somehow I had one less page done than I thought. Add one more page of content to get it back to page 19 where I thought I would be beginning this afternoon.
8. Reorganize the 50 plus journal articles I have strewn from my office to the kitchen. Weed out the ones I don't need.
9. Mow the back yard.
10. Take another shower because I smell like a mower.
11. Clean up the sweet tea that got spilled all over the kitchen by my darling children.
12. Print off 5 more articles related to my paper.
13. Gas up my Tahoe and get a car wash.
14. Go to the local library to check out a book for Nathan's project on C.S. Lewis.
15. Get a Dr. Pepper at Dairy Twin.
16. Go up to the church to talk to one of my sister's friends who is here from Oklahoma doing a retreat for Preteens in our church.
17. Cook lunch for the kids.
18. Clean up the mess from lunch.
19. Do laundry and pick up the rest of the house.
20. Take Nathan and Braden to a friends house to play.
21. Take Lexi to a birthday party.
22. Work on my paper. Write 3 additional pages of content.
23. Go pick up Lexi at her birthday party.
24. Go pick up Nathan and Braden from friends house.
25. Pack a suitcase for Lexi because she has been invited to spend the night at a friends.
26. Cook dinner for Nathan and Braden.
27. Clean up dinner.
28. Go for a run in the neighborhood.
28. Work some more on my paper...adding 2 more pages of content.
29. Pack suitcase for Nathan because he has been invited to spend the night with a friend.
30. Smile because Braden has fallen asleep on the couch and is out for the rest of the night!
31. Write one more page on my paper and call it quits for the day.
32. Carry Braden to bed.
33. Iron my clothes and Braden's clothes for tomorrow. Fold some laundry and put some more in to wash.
34. Take a nice hot bath to wash off the sweat from my run (2 showers and one bath today)
35. Sit down at the computer and write this meaningless blog entry.'s been a very productive day....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Just reading your post makes me tired! Sounds like you had a very productive day, maybe even a superhero kind of day.