Sunday, August 05, 2007


Today was just one of those blah days.....I am sitting here reflecting on the day and all I can come up with is was too busy and too kids were a little off today.....I am struggling with determining what direction some of the programs I am in charge of need to go....I just can't get a clear picture of where they need to be headed....and the lack of direction and vision is making me feel extremely blah about it all...

I suppose this is one of those transition points in my job....a time when change needs to happen but it isn't exactly clear yet what the specific steps of change need to be. I could use some handwriting on the wall....because I am stumped by this one....

I don't enjoy indecisiveness....I like to know where the programs I am in charge of are headed....and the limbo stage is just not working for me...

I need God's wisdom and God's direction....and God's conviction and a little courage to go with that....and, well, I just need a whole lot of God and less of me....

1 comment:

Laura said...

You'll get there my friend...we all will. I know that probably doesn't help because it doesn't help me, but at least "we're all in this together."