Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Prayer for my kids...

My prayer for my kids this year at school is this....

God help my kids to be confident in themselves and what they believe. Help them to be compassionate to others....respectful to their teachers....and driven to do their best work and give their best effort.

Give them enough challenges to stretch them......give them enough success to provide the confidence necessary to get back up when failure comes....give them enough little failures to learn valuable lessons that will help prevent the really big failures in life...

Help me and their teachers to see their strengths and find ways to celebrate those us also to see their weaknesses and find ways to overcome them...

Protect them from harmful them learn to discern good and evil....and then give them courage to avoid evil....

Be with their teachers....their influence is great....bless them for their me as a parent to support my children's teachers...

Give me wisdom in knowing how to best parent my kids....thank you for the gift that they are...amen


Laura said...

Beautiful prayer....I also like to new look to your blog.

rosana said...

i am touch by this prayer, my daughter just lost her dolly at the mall and was devastated, its her security blanket too. i prayed with her this prayer and i know in my heart it both lifted our spirit. i love it.Thank you for posting it.