Monday, August 27, 2007

She Returns....and another first....

Lexi showed up at about 4:30am to reclaim her stake in my bed. I asked her about it this morning and she said "I slept half of the night in my bed and half of the night in your bed". She is in my bed again tonight...oh well, it was a nice thought....

On my lunch hour today I went to the motor and mower supply store. It was the first time I had been in there. My neighbor told me my gas edger's blade was bad and that I could find a replacement for it there. So, I had a few extra minutes and thought I would go in there and see what they had.

First of all, I am quite certain I am the only female with all of her teeth that visited that store today. While I was in there it was just me and three bubbas from Burleson. I walked up to the counter and told him I needed a replacement blade and I handed him the bad one so he could match the part. I was feeling pretty confident as he walked back to the parts room. He came back and began asking me questions that I didn't know the answer to...but I pretended I knew what I was talking about....they went something like this....

"What is this blade from?"

(me) "It's an edger"

"Do you know what kind?"

(me) "It's one that you runs on gas"

"No, do you know what brand?"

(me) "....uhh...I think it is Briggs and Stratton"

"No, it should be like Toro or Craftsman"

(me) really don't know....

"Does it have an engine that.....(garbledygook).." (I couldn't understand what he said)

(me...smiling)...."I don't know....I just know this is the blade I need"

"I'll go check in the back one more time....."

(me....cracking up thinking he must think I am a complete idiot)

"Do you remember if it had two prongy things on each end?"

(me) "Maybe...I don't's been 3 years since we bought it"

"Well, I think this one will work...."

(me...seeing the difference in the length of the blade)...."Is this one too long or is mine just worn down?"

"Oh yes ma'am your blade is just worn down...I've seen ones that looked like a nub's the right size"

(me) "Ok, so this one should work...I guess I can bring it back if it doesn't work (thinking I am not paying 30.00 for a blade that looks too long and then be stuck with it)"

"sure...just bring it in and we'll find the right one"

He rings it up and it cost me $3.14. WHO KNEW? Who knew you could buy a brand new blade for your gas edger for less than the price of a happy meal.......???

I walked out of there smiling....thinking to myself 1). I just bought a blade for an funny is that? 2). 3.14 what a bargain....and 3). I can't believe I just walked into a mower and motor supply store on my lunch hour...and bought a part for a piece of lawn equipment as if it was a normal thing for me to do....

I am not sure when it happened...but somewhere along the way things that used to feel so awkward and weird have now become just part of my normal every day life...and I am even able to find some humor in them now....I think that is progress.....and, I figured that Brian would never in a million years believe that I would do what I just did.....which is what had me grinning under my breath for the rest of the day....(and still tonight I think it is hilarious)...

By the way....when I got home...I put the new part on and guess what? It's the right one and it works!!! How about that?

I still can't get over the fact that it was only $3.14!

1 comment:

Laura said...

That story still makes me laugh. I'm glad you shared it with me.