Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mirrors are useful

Mirrors give an accurate reflection of what can't be seen without them.

I've noticed that Nathan has learned to use a mirror to look at the back of his hair to make sure it looks just the way he wants it.  Without the mirror, he would have no idea what his hair really looked like in the back.

Brian used to be a pretty good mirror for me.  He could show me the things that I couldn't see because of my own limitations.

I miss that.

I need a good mirror sometimes.

It's hard to filter my thoughts and feelings all by myself.

I need that mirror to show me when something is out of place....or to just give me a true picture of myself.

I struggle with knowing what other people see that I don't.

My perception is not always accurate.

God give me your perception because I can' t trust mine.  Give me peace in my mind about issues and struggles.  Show me areas where I am wrong and out of line.  Give me confidence in those areas where I am accurate.

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