Friday, December 19, 2008


I'm worn down, worn out and hanging by a thread.

Yesterday was a rollecoaster ride.

I didn't sleep much last night.

I couldn't turn my mind off.

I'm worn out from trying to spin all the Christmas plates.

I'm heartbroken for my nephew who made some bad choices and now his whole life has changed.

I'm sad that I am alone. I don't like being alone.

I'm grateful (and proud) that I found out I made an "A" in my statistics class...but have struggled to process some other stuff related to school.

I'm frustrated that I spent 2.5-3 hours dealing with an issue with two of my volunteers. At the end, there was no resolution, no compromise and my head was splitting.

If it could go wrong yesterday it did. The only thing good about yesterday was the email from my statistics professor.

I'm trying to keep things in perspective. I seem to be really struggling with perspective these days. I've even wondered if maybe I am depressed. I just feel "off" and can't seem to find my perspective. The reality is that things are pretty, why do I feel so bummed?

Tomorrow should be a fun day. Santa Claus comes to our house tonight because we travel over Christmas. I got the kids a puppy for Christmas...yikes! Should be interesting...they have no clue. They have been wanting another dog for a long time and I have said no. For whatever reason, I caved this week.

Here's to an exciting tomorrow.....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Yes tomorrow..or today I should say..will be an exciting day. I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of it. Yesterday sucked for you, there's no question about that. I'm sorry you are having a rough go of things lately. I have a feeling that I haven't done much to help that get any better. Everyone is entitled to a "down time" every now and again. Don't beat yourself up for it.

Just think, this time next week it will all be least the Christmas part will. If you need a little break during the holidays, feel free to pick up the phone and give me a call. I could probably use one myself.

Know that as Christmas gets closer, you and the kiddos are in my thoughts and prayers. You will make it through. Enjoy the new addition to the family! I think she will be great for all of you!