Sunday, March 01, 2009

Walking with someone through their pain....

Last week I had a pretty significant opportunity to walk with someone through their pain. It was one of those times when I had no idea my week would entail such a divine appointment. I'm grateful for the opportunity and thankful that this type of ministry has become a part of who I am and who I am becoming.

While I would have never chosen the path I am on, I am often reminded that this path has given me opportunities to minister that I would have never had. My skill in counseling is not such that I could be "successful" on my own. I am dependent on God to guide me and lead me as I work with people. I am also becoming more and more aware that my experience provides an open door of influence and ministry.

People who are in pain are more apt to trust people who have known pain and loss.

I haven't tried to hang my shingle based on my life experience...I don't solicit people or try to make my experience fit their experience....I really do try to just be open to what God may want to do through me.

Last week was a blessing to me....I consider it a high privilege to be able to walk alongside someone as they attempt to work through their loss and rebuild their life.

For an opportunity to see beauty come from ashes....I am grateful.


Gigi said...

uniquely gifted is what I call it...

Janine said...

I could have written this post on my blog.
I am constantly amazed, and grateful, at how God is using my pain to help others in theirs.
I would never have chosen this path, and I would gladly trade it back if I could, but I can't.
And so I am thankful that God is indeed, making beauty out of tragedy.
It does help, doesn't it?