Sunday, March 01, 2009

A lesson from the Israelites

As a result of realizing that some things need to change I did family devotions with the kids tonight. We used to do this on a pretty regular basis and it is something I am convicted about and want to make a priority.

The story that we read tonight was about the Israelites and Moses. There are so many incredible lessons to learn from the Israelites....and I am so like them in more ways that I care to admit. Exodus 17 is an account of what happened when they needed some water. The text makes it clear that the Israelites weren't happy that they didn't have water. They were complaining and whining and making Moses' job very stressful. As a result, Moses cries out to God and asks Him what he is supposed to do. The story ends with God telling Moses to strike a rock and the people are given the water that they need. The thing that struck me about this story is that I need to quit worrying, complaining and whining....and just start praying. I need to make my requests and needs known to God and then watch how He answers those prayers. In addition, when He tells me to do something (like he did Moses), I need to do it.

Simple, huh?

Oh yeah, I forgot how simple it is.

Pray. Seek. Obey.

Instead, for me it is worry, complain, whine...get stressed....become impatient....etc.

Maybe I am like the Israelites and I have forgotten what God has already done for me. Surely I haven't....but, I guess I have.

God has been good to me. He has been faithful and will continue to be faithful. He can't not be faithful. He is.

God, help me quit worrying and start praying....and then may I give glory to you and you alone.

For God's word, and family devotions....I am grateful.

1 comment:

The Widower Dad said...


I think we all get buried in life and forget that our Father is waiting to help pull us up. We just need to ask. In His timing and His will our rescue is inevitable. I have to remind myself that quite a bit.