Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Trying to make some changes....

Well, it has now been about 28 hours since I last had a Dr. Pepper. My head hurts and I am grumpy. After Brian died, I got into some bad habits with my health. I am trying to work on those. Long story short, I drank lots of caffeine in the morning to get me going...and then I took Benadryl at night to put me to sleep. I have been thinking for a while that it was time to start taking better care of myself. I guess today was as good a day as any to start.

The impetus was a conversation yesterday at staff meeting. Someone asked me how many Dr. Peppers I drink a day....and, well, too many.

So, here I am...making one small big change...we'll see how it goes.

I suppose it will get much worse before it gets better....but I am ready to give it my best shot.

This morning I read Proverbs and it reminded me that controlling our tongue is a God thing...and I need to work on that....the things that I say that are not honoring God usually center around my own insecurities or frustrations. I miss having that one person in my life who completely believed in me...I lost some confidence when Brian died....

I finished watching "The Bucket List" tonight (it took me 3 nights to get it watched). I downloaded it onto my IPod and watched it and decided I was finally cool (because I learned how to download a movie off Itunes onto my Ipod). It was a good movie and it had a lot of powerful quotes in it. I am not sure what would be on my bucket list.....I may write a post about that....I don't like to think about dying. As a matter of fact, I think I have sort of adopted an invincible attitude. I (incorrectly) figure that I am safe for a long time because God wouldn't take me from my kids too. Yet, I find it difficult to take any kind of physical risks (dangerous things or being too far away from my kids-geographically). At some point, it will have to be ok to go out of the country or do something a little risky....right now, it isn't.

So....in my caffeine withdrawal state....I will now go crash into the bed and hope the headache isn't too bad in the morning....


Marsha said...

I know what you mean--I have a terrible Diet Mt. Dew habit. I have given it up for long periods of time (Lent etc..) before, but tend to go right back to it. I need to learn moderation in ALL things. The mouth thing is also an issue for me--not expletives, but gossip and critical talk are areas I need to improve. I justify these things by telling myself I only talk this way with my closest friends, but even that isn't exemplary of Godly speech. Thanks for the thoughts.

Laura said...

I wondered if the "no Dr. Pepper" kick had something to do with coping with Brian's death. When you mentioned that it was a coping mechanism and then I read your blog, I now see how it all fits together. I applaud you for your efforts and hope it works. How many DPs did you drink a day? My guess is about 5-6.

As far as controlling your tongue goes, we all say things out of frustration and anger that we later regret. I too need to work on the words that come out of my mouth or at least run through my head. Sometimes I know they are not pleasing to the Lord. Maybe we can work on that together.