Saturday, May 24, 2008

Learning to work together as a family....

I've been doing some reading lately in preparation for my term paper for next fall on "entitlement and children". Needless to say, I am trying to make some adjustments in my parenting style. First and foremost, I have realized that the greatest lessons my kids learn are usually the ones that come out of a struggle or a painful experience. I have done them no favors by trying to make things "easy" on them. I am not suggesting that my goal in life is to now make my kids lives as difficult as I can make it. I am just more aware now that I need to let them "struggle" sometimes.

I have also been more inclined to really emphasize our need to learn to work together as a family. Today was a good example of our family working together. We accomplished an incredible amount of work today and each child played a part in different tasks that we accomplished. Braden helped pick up the clippings from where I trimmed all the shrubs and bushes in the front yard. Lexi helped rake the stuff up so he could put it in the trash can. Nathan helped me clean out the garage this evening and did a fine job. Lexi folded several loads of clothes for me and Nathan helped with that as well. I am thankful that they are now old enough to begin taking on some responsibility around the house. Oh yeah, we also cleaned out each of their rooms...their closets, under their bed, their clothes drawers....we did a DEEP clean and they helped.

It felt good to have their help today. We celebrated our hard work by going out for pizza at a new pizza place in town. I tried to brag on them and let them know how cool it is when we all work together.

As my dad would say....there's a new sheriff in town....and the kids seem to be adjusting to it just fine....and I know I feel better about the way we are functioning as a family.....

Learning to work together as a family....for that I am grateful....and a little tired from a long, hard day.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I think you will be amazed at how much your children received from todays activities. Defining our roles as parents usually changes over time, yet has a personality all its own. Loving our children enough to allow them space and opportunities is, at times, difficult; but oh so rewarding in the end.