Thursday, January 10, 2008


It's been a better couple of days. I am wondering if all the holiday hoopla and a vacation to boot didn't set me up for the funk I was in. Now that we have our first week back home almost behind us things seem to be leveling out and getting back to normal.

Routines are essential to our family and when we are out of sync everyone suffers.

I was home with a sick child yesterday and I think that also helped me get an extra day at home to decompress.

I thrive on routine, stability, and security....when things feel out of control I have a hard time and everything seems much worse than it really is....

In reality, I have much to be thankful
*I no longer have to buckle any of my kids in their seatbelt, they do it themselves.
*All of my lightbulbs in my house are currently working.
*All of my Christmas decor is put away.
*All the laundry is currently done.
*I get to start school to work on my PhD next week...a lifelong goal of mine...
*My renter paid on time this month.

But more importantly than those things...
*The kids and I are healthy.
*I have a wonderful extended family who supports and loves me unconditionally.
*Brian left us with no heavy baggage to have to work through...we know we were loved.
*God has blessed me with a wonderful church family.
*We have some "refrigerator rights" friends to do life with.
*My kids are doing well in school and their behavioral issues are minimal by most standards.
*God is giving me some new dreams...and I am having fun thinking about them.

So, I consider myself officially "de-funked" for a while....

And for that, I am SOOOO grateful....(and so are my kids)


Laura said...

Glad to hear that you are doing better. It's always a nice reminder of those things that we are thankful for.

Gigi said...

seriously....every lightbulb!!? ;)

Marsha said...

AHHHH--and claiming those blessings just does something wonderful for our souls---
Thanks for sharing these lovely thoughts with us.