Friday, July 27, 2007

Tag, You're It!

I have been tagged to share 8 random facts about myself. I am then to tag 8 other friends and they are to do the same....However, I don't have 8 blogging I will do the best I can...

1. I flunked my driving test the first time I took it. I hit the curb when I was parallel parking and the officer failed me for's the only test I have ever failed in my life.

2. I frequent several stock market websites each day....I have grown interested in watching a few stocks...just for fun...and I even watch Mad Money on ocassion....and enjoy it.

3. I actually like mowing the lawn and working in the flowerbeds....weird, I know.

4. I have never ridden in a limousine and have always wanted to....

5. I have always thought it would be fun to learn how to ballroom dance....but would need a teacher who was very, very patient.

6. I think I am going to start saving my money to go to Hawaii when I turn 40.....

7. I would rather be beat than watch Star Trek....

8. The maddest I have ever been was when Brian went sky-diving for his bachelor party the day before we got married....

So, if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged and get to work.....


1 comment:

Marsha said...

It is amazing how much you learn about someone in just 8 facts!! I think we will be great friends----