Sunday, July 08, 2007

Just for fun...

Just for fun I thought I would try to write down a few of the interesting things I have learned since becoming a widow.....

I've learned that....

**Lawn mowers need oil...and mine needs Penzoil 30 Weight
**Refrigerators have filters that have to be changed or they clog and flood your kitchen
**There are certain types of fertilizers to grow grass and certain types to kill weeds...knowing the right combination is the key.
**There are weedeaters and blowers that are battery charged....and they work pretty darn good.
**There are three different types of filters for the return vents in my house.
**My air compressor needs to be drained and blown out once a year.
**There is a reason why some water hoses cost 7.00 and some cost get what you pay for.
**There are some people that you just can't trust...and doing business with those types of people is no fun at all.
**Grilling isn't nearly as hard as I thought it was....I think I have become pretty accomplished at it.
**Buying the warranty for tires is a pretty good idea...I have already gotten two new tires out of the warranty....who knew?
**Those stickers in your window indicate when it is time to get your vehicle inspected...and it comes once a year...
**My car has to be cleaned out about once a week...or things start to grow....
**There are vet clinics that stay open all night. They will also help you dispose of your pet when he dies....again, who knew?
**It is nearly impossible to have all the lightbulbs working in the house at one time...
**After you get the really tall ladder out and think you have all the lightbulbs working...the next day another high one will go out.
**TXU can come and turn off your electricity just because they don't like how your meter box looks...and give you no warning...
**Putting together toys and bicycles and motorized toys is a lot harder than Brian ever made it look.
**Packing up the car and loading and unloading luggage is no fun!
**Lighting the pilot light in the fireplace is tricky, but doable....
**If your garbage disposal stops working suddenly it doesn't necessarily mean it is broke...check the breakers and hit the reset switch and your problem may be solved.
**You can buy windshield wiper replacements at the auto parts store and they will even help you put them on.
**Never ever engage in conversation with a carpet cleaner who tells you he is an ordained minister of the church of Yahweh....but maybe that is a another post I will write someday..."the top ten stupidest things ever said to you about losing your spouse"

Guess that is all for now...maybe I will continue to add to the list later...

I have learned a whole lot....and I have had a whole lot of friends and neighbors help me with things I have no clue about....and for that I am grateful...


Bruce said...

Great stuff. You are learning a lot of stuff they NEVER, EVER teach in seminary, eh?


Shelly said...

Hey Bruce, I think that would be a great post...."what they never ever teach you in seminary"....shall I write that or you?

Laura said...

I bet I could contribute to that list could be pretty good.

By the way, great list. Oh the things we learn...

Bruce said...

Smitty has a good point - maybe it should be a group effort.


Shelly said...

Group effort sounds we'd laugh