Friday, August 22, 2008

Dear God, I quit.

How's that for a blog post?

While I know that I am not alone, it sure feels like it. And, unless God can help me do laundry, keep the house, or a million other practical things I am pretty much on my own for the forseeable future.

Seriously, I know that God' presence is the only thing that I can depend upon. But, I can't depend on Him to shoulder some of the workload I have. Spiritually speaking, He's here and I am so thankful for His presence in my life. Practically speaking, it's just me to handle everything related to my family of four. And, if I hear one more person tell me how much they need a break or a nap....I might just throw up.

Yes, I am feeling sorry for myself. I admit it. I am. I don't like being in this whiney mode. It's not me, but it's where I am at right now.

Some of the workload that I have is by my choice. Some of it is by necessity. I struggle to know how to make decisions related to what I choose and what I don't. There are times (and this is one of them) that I ask myself why am I continuing to live in Texas where I have no extended family to help me and the kids. I have chosen to live 5 hours from my family.....I have chosen to push myself to work and go to school. I have chosen to stay in our home and try to maintain a similar standard of living. Maybe I need to rethink some of my choices.

Or, maybe I just need a good nights sleep....and some time to get over this funk....

What I really need is wisdom....God give me wisdom to make decisions that reflect your desire for my life. I don't want to quit, not really....I just want to know that there is a purpose for all that I am doing....I don't mind struggling....I just want to make sure it is the right struggle....

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