Saturday, March 22, 2008

My life is back....

The kids came home today. It feels so nice to have them home. Make no mistake, it was nice to have some quiet, but I missed them. I was reminded today that they are a central part of why I am trying so hard to continue to live and love. They have so much potential and so much life to live and I want to do everything I can to support them in their journey.

I'm thankful for their love....for their endless hugs and kisses and snuggles....for Nathan holding my hand as we walked into church....for Lexi kissing me on the cheek while we were singing in church....and for Braden who wanted me to snuggle with him tonight....I am loved.....and that is a gift from God....

My life is back.....and I am glad....

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Aren't kids great!! My oldest left for Arizona while we were in Vegas--it will have been 2 weeks since I have seen him. I have never been apart from him for that long before. Though he sounds as if he is having a great time, I know he misses us as well---I am counting the days...