Saturday, June 21, 2008

Three Cheers For My Kids!!!

Today was a fun day, but also a proud day for me. Lexi went swimming at the city pool with our neighbor and jumped off the high dive several times for the first time ever. Who knew she would/could do that? I am shocked that she did it, but also proud she tried something new and risky.

Nathan and Braden and I went to a lake party this evening with a group from our church. Both of the boys rode behind the boat on intertubes and got tossed and thrown high in the air over the waves and the other kids hanging on at the same time. They laughed and squealed with delight. I was amazed at how well they handled getting thrown off in the middle of the lake. I had a blast watching them be successful at something that looked pretty hairy at times. They came home telling tall stories about how they manhandled the intertube and caught some air.

All three of them pushed themselves today and they were successful....which creates confidence for them to continue to try new things...for that I am grateful.

And, it also hit me today that my kids need people in their life to drive the boat a little faster sometimes....I tend to try to keep things safe and comfortable for them.....I was reminded today that it is important to push the envelope a little here and helps them grow....and maybe I need to learn how to find the healthy balance of safety/security and risk/growth.....

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