Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Spiritual Focus

For the past few days I have felt more spiritually focused than I have been in a long while. It's hard to put my finger on when it began to happen but some growth is occuring. I am finding that my personal devotion time is more meaningful than it has been in a long time.

There is a thirst for God that has been missing for a while.

I have heard several sermons lately that have touched me deeply.....

I am seeing things more clearly.....

I have felt a heavy conviction that my spiritual focus has been almost non-existent for the last few months.

It's been subtle....but my lack of focus has impacted how I am able to live out God's purpose for my life....

God's purpose for my life.....I need to be focused on that again.....I need to be passionate about it.....

My life needs to be less about me....less about the past.....and more about loving and serving the God who loves me....

God, help me to find my focus again......

1 comment:

Gigi said...

one of those prayers I am personally convinced He answers....