Tuesday, September 02, 2008

An eventful day....

This is a picture of some roses that were delivered to the office this afternoon for me. I tried to count how many there were and I stopped at 70. I have never seen so many roses in one vase. The card said it was in appreciation for what you do for our little ones and was signed from FBC Preschool Parents. I don't know what to say. I have been discouraged lately. I am so thankful for the position that God has given me and for the way the church has ministered to me and the kids over the years. I feel unworthy of such a gift. I am humbled and reminded of God's goodness in my life, even in the midst of great struggle He is there.
The kids and I ended up celebrating Brian's birthday a little differently that we had in the past. One of the best traits about Brian was his generosity. He was a giver and often helped people in tangible ways. I shared with the kids a story about one time when he delivered a gift to someone and left it on their front porch for them to find when they came home. He never told the people that he did it and I remember being so proud of him and his thoughtfulness (the family had their clothes dryer go out and they needed a new one but didn't have the money...so he went to Best Buy and loaded one up in his pickup and dropped it off at their house while they were gone). To this day they don't know that he did that.
The kids liked that story and so I told them I wanted to do something for someone else in honor of their dad's birthday. We chose a family in our church who has taken in 6 children. We went to Target and bought a basket full of stuff that they could use. We drove it out to their house and I let the kids deliver it.
We then came home and ate Brian's favorite cake with some good friends.
It was simple....but a good day.
I hope the kids will remember the joy they got from being generous. I hope they will grow up to be generous like their dad.
I was still sad today. I hate it that he isn't here. But, it was an ok day.
I think Brian would have been pleased to see what we did today.
It wasn't a perfect day any means.....the kids were grumpy at times and I was impatient....but we muddled through it and made a new memory of giving.
For Brian's life and the lessons he taught us....I am grateful.


Marsha said...

Oh Shelly,
What a beautiful story! I believe that the legacy we leave is what sustains those left---What a legacy you and your children are fortunate to claim...

Laura said...

When I read this post I immediately thought about how a few posts earlier you were talking about how you couldn't do things that other adults can, such as make a meal for a family. But..look at what you and the kids did tonight! Not only did you meet someone's very real need, you included your kids in the process and carried on Brian's legacy. That's awesome! What you did tonight is no less important then when people make meals or visit one another. I prayed this morning that God would show you what to do with today, and I think He did just that. Brian would be proud!