Friday, November 02, 2007

I'm in....

I had my interview today....I guess it went well because I have been accepted into the program.

I should be excited and thrilled...and I mostly am....


I was asked this question and it is still bothering me...."You are a single parent and a full-time employee, tell me what your thought process is about how you will be able to manage being a student as well"......

I expected some type of reference to the fact that I am raising three kids on my own....but I didn't expect to be called a single parent. When people refer to people as "single parents" it usually isn't a compliment...there is this insinuation that a single parent is a second class parent.

It bothered was a little bit of a slap in the face of reality....some people do consider me a second class parent I guess.....

It's not by my choice that I fall into that category.....I never meant to end up being a "single parent"....I prefer the term "only parent".....

Again, I expected some type of reference to it...I thought it would be in reference to my widow status...not my status as a parent....

I don't think it was meant to be an offensive way to ask me what I considered to be a fair question....and it wasn't asked in a derogatory was very matter of fact.....and more than anything, it bothers me that it bothers me....why should it bother me.....that is what I am.....I guess...

Conflicting emotions right now....excitement about the door that is open......frustration that I have a status that I never wanted.....

But....I'm in....and now the real work begins....


Marsha said...

First of all--CONGRATULATIONS!!! About the "single parent" tag--I hate it too. I did not choose to finishing raising my children as the only parent. I think "single parent" implies that I did choose--I totally get how you are feeling.

Gary Means said...

Congratulations! As you move ahead into this new challenge, may God give you strength. And may He give you deep rest when you are able to find those precious few hours of sleep, and may you find that your rest miraculously restores your mind and body. And for days that it doesn't may the coffee be hot and fresh.

Gigi said...

congratulations.....what you model to your children in your life of faith is remarkable....not by any means easy but nonetheless remarkable.