Thursday, February 21, 2008

Annoying Tasks....

I have been frustrated this week with all the annoying tasks I have to try to pretend that I know what I am doing when I really don't. I had a leak in my roof and had to call someone out to fix it. They fixed it but there is some damage on the ceiling in my son's room. I now have to try to find someone who can repair the drywall that got wet.

When I opened my pantry door on Tuesday pieces of insulation fluttered down. I looked up and found that a furry friend has been chewing his way through the ceiling of my pantry. I now have to figure out who my furry friend is and then get someone to fix the hole he made.

I am still fighting with drainage issues at my commercial property. The contractor who claimed he would solve all my problems has basically thrown up his hands and isn't returning calls or emails. So, tomorrow, I have a meeting with my building manager, a hydrology engineer, my dad, and a new contractor who specializes in drainage issues. I have a million other things I would like to be doing on my day off but instead I will spend it trying to make sense out of whatever they say I need to do. And, I am sure my pocketbook will end up a lot thinner after tomorrow.

I have called my CPA three times this week to set up a time to meet and talk about my taxes for 2007. He hasn't returned my call. I would love to get another CPA but this one knows all my history and I can't just jump to another one because I don't even know how everything is set up in terms of the corporation that is tied to me. So, I wait and I wait....and he never calls back.

I called a commercial real estate agent yesterday to get a market analysis on my commercial property. She hasn't called me back either. I just want to know what my building is worth so that either I can feel better about all the money I have had to spend lately or I can make some hard decisions about whether I want to keep it. My guess is that I will be pleased with the market analysis but it has been hard to watch that business account get drained from all the expenses of trying to fix the drainage problem.

I clearly don't know what I am doing and I try really hard to learn how to take care of my own business....but, there is a limit...I am afraid people are beginning to see me as a burden or a liability....oh no, here she comes again, what's wrong this time. So, I am trying to be more perceptive and trying to involve less people in my every day life. Life is changing again....friendships are changing....and I am trying to adjust and learn from mistakes I make.

Life isn't so fun right now.....but we will get through it.....and someday, I am going to buy me a condo in a retirement community and I won't have to worry about a lawn or squirrels in my attic, or holes in my roof.....wouldn't that be nice? Or, I'll just drive my kids crazy with all the stuff I have to ask them to do for much to look forward to....

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