Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tadpoles, Caterpillars and Roly Polies

Over the past few weeks I have enjoyed watching my kids interract with nature. I get a real kick out of watching them explore the outdoors. Today we went to the local park and caught tadpoles. It felt so good to be there at the park watching my kids get excited about a bunch of smelly tadpoles. I was glad that we were there instead of the local ballfield. I decided to skip spring sports this year and make it a point to be outdoors with the kids.

Part of my reason is that my kids just aren't that into sports and I have grown weary of trying to encourage them to like something that they really don't have a whole lot of interest in. More importantly though, is the fact that I have this theory (which could be entirely wrong) that maybe the most important thing I can do for my kids right now is to just let them be kids. I watch other families who I dearly love keep the road hot from all the activities and sports their kids are in and it makes me tired and stressed just observing them.

I guess if my kids were begging me to put them in 500 different activites I would be more than happy to support them in whatever they did. But, the truth of the matter is that my kids are happiest when we are at home and when our schedule is full of down time and play time.

I know I am going against the flow and in many ways we don't fit in with most families. But, I am willing to hedge my bets that my kids are going to be ok....even without 500 activities to "enrich" their life.

I am not sure exactly where I am going with this....but I have just felt a strong conviction lately that the value of kids catching tadpoles, caterpillars and roly polies has gone by the wayside....It is working for us....our life seems to be so much better right now....without all the busyness....


Bruce said...

We tried to get Allie involved in all kinds of things, but she never had an interest in sports. Good thing. I see these parents whose kids are involved and they never seem to have time for just being family. Enjoy the downtime and playtime while you can, that could change as they get older.


Gigi said...

this post made me smile....simple...letting kids be kids......

Laura said...

I think you are making the right choice and doing what is in the best interest of your kiddos, letting them be kids. I remember when I was little I would catch rolly polies and watch them curl up in my hands and being covered in dirt from playing in the mud. For me, those were much for fun times then playing sports.

I too think your kids will be great even without all the millions of activities they could be involved in. They will find their niche and go with it. But until on.