Saturday, December 15, 2007


I had a EUREKA! moment today! I have to give myself a virtual pat on the back....

But, first, a little background....

We have lived in our current house for five years. For the past five years I have been tormented, yes tormented, by rainstorms that happen while I am trying to sleep in my bedroom.

We had a gas fireplace put in our bedroom/bathroom when we built the house. Instead of building a chimney, there is a vent that goes off the side of the house. The fireplace is one of my favorite parts of the house. There is just nothing like turning it on in the morning and letting it warm up the room and bathroom in preparation for my morning shower.

But, I digress....

Anyways, every time it rains it makes a lot of noise and we never could figure out why. We assumed it was the vent on top of the roof. So, Brian climbed up there several times and tried many different ways of quieting the ping and pang of the rain. Nothing ever worked. So, anytime it rains in the middle of the night I end up on the couch because I can't sleep with the annoying pitter patter of the rain (it's terribly, terribly annoying).

However, today, I was out putting on the faucet covers (so they won't freeze) and it hit me....EUREKA!

It's not the vent ON the's the vent on the SIDE of the house......!!!!

So, I tried it...and what do you know? I was right......I now know what the problem is...and I am going to FIX IT (or get someone to)

Wooohooo.....I figured out something on my own....and now, I will soon be able to say good-bye to the couch on rainy nights......

Brian would be so proud.....he was a great fix-it man and so it amazes me that I figured out something that he didn't.....he risked life and limb climbing on the roof in the rain trying to diagnose the problem....

Ok...enough patting myself on the back....back to our regularly scheduled program....

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