Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Where is my buffer?

We all have those days at work when we just need someone to vent to. Brian was always my buffer. He was the one who got to hear all my gripes, all my complaints, all my hurts, etc. He was my buffer. Now I have no buffer. It has taken me a while to figure out how important his role as a buffer was...but I still haven't quite figured out how to adapt to that missing element in my life. Knowledge is one thing...application another.

The hardest thing in the world for me to do is to let something go. I have to analyze it....rehash it...think of lots of ugly things to say and even imagine saying them....I don't like it when people hurt me. I don't like it when people don't like me or question my intent or....blah, blah, blah.

I am soooo not like Jesus....and although I do want to be like Jesus, there is a large part of me that just wants to let someone have it.....I think there is a point where you have to stick up for yourself...but separating out the emotion and hurt and need to put him in his place can't get in the way.....and maybe sometimes we just need to let it go...consider the source...wish I knew the difference....


Gigi said...

We all need a 'lightning rod'.....I PRAY you find someone to listen to you...simply and completely to listen to you...a friend somewhere to BE your lightning rod, keeping nothing of the hit but simply listening....

Bruce said...

Cindy and I make great sounding boards - you can vent anytime you want. I know it's not the same, but we're there if you need us.


Shelly said...

A "lightning rod" is a great analogy....that is a new one for me....I like it...

Bruce--thank you for your offer....I appreciate that.

I did handle this "vent" better than the last time I found myself in serious need of a buffer...guess that is progress....God has blessed me with friends who will listen...I just don't want them to grow weary of it...

My theme verse for today was "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to be angry"....I got the first two but struggled with being slow to be angry...two out of three ain't bad...??

Laura said...

I hope you see me as one of your friends that can listen. I am a much better listener then I am one to give advice. By the way, I won't grow tired of it. That question sounds like someone else I know quite well. Don't even go down that road of thinking. I know I can't be a substitute for Brian, and I won't even try. But I can be a friend.