Friday, September 29, 2006

Horizontal or Vertical...Perspective matters

Since we have yet to solve the great mysteries of how God works (connect the dots theology), I thought maybe a discussion on perspective would be appropriate.

Perspective. Isn't that one of the key elements of being human that limits our understanding of God? We have mostly a horizontal perspective. God has a vertical perspective. We see only what is right in front of our horizon. The analogy I came up with is this: I love the mountains. I adore the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Have you ever been on one of those windy roads up to the top of the mountain? It seems like you are almost going in circles. But, every once in a while, you get a clear view behind you or in front of you. When that happens, you are able to see where you have been or where you are going. You are able to appreciate the path it takes to get to where you are going because you can now see how it got you to where you are. So, maybe our perspective is like that winding road. Every once in a while we get a clear view of where we have been or where we are going. But, for the most part, we can't see anything but trees and rocks and the road that is just in front of us.

For me, personally, I am in the middle of a bunch of rocks and trees on a relentlessly winding road. Maybe, just maybe, if I keep plodding ahead I will catch a glimpse that goes beyond my horizon. I know enough about God and have experienced His grace enough to know that there is a beautiful mountaintop experience somewhere ahead...give me patience and perserverance to keep driving.


Laura said...

Perspective is an interesting word that many people can define many different ways. I like the winding road analogy. Maybe you should write a book on all your would be a best seller! But in all could also add this to your journey. When you start at the bottom of the mountain, the view isn't nearly as beautiful and awe inspiring as when you get to the top. You would never know that if you hadn't made the journey and suffered along the twisted roads with a bunch of trees. As we continue through the journey, may we remember and have hope that the end will be better than the beginning.

Bruce said...

I agree with with Smitty. Last night in Bible study we talked about endurance in the midst of trials and hard times, and how our perspective changes as we move through the testing of our faith. Sometimes, as we are winding our way to the top, we can't see where we are going or where we've been because of the trees blocking our view, or we are so focused on the winding narrow road that we don't realize how far we've traveled. But suddenly we come out on top, or at least on a "scenic overlook" and our whole perspective of our trip changes, and gives us encouragement about what the top is going to look like. I pray that God will give you that change of perspective you so desire.


Shelly said...

Thanks Bruce and Smitty. God does sometimes give me a glimpse of at least where I have been and how far I've come. He hasn't really given me a "forward look". It sure would be nice to catch a forward glimpse...but then again, it might scare the daylights out of me.

Peace out.