Sunday, September 24, 2006

Evidence of Grace: My First Post

So, I am dipping my toes into the world of blogging. I keep a hand-written journal but maybe this will replace it. It is a little bit intimidating to write about my feelings and struggles in such an open environment. But, I suppose I reserve the right to censor that which I don't want public.

The title of my blog came from Smitty's (crockpotfaith) entry about her struggle with seeing God's grace in the lives of the people around her. Well, I figure all anyone has to do is look at my life and they will see the "evidence of God's grace" written on every page of my life.

Life has not been easy or fair to me and my kids but God's grace has been sufficient. I find it a little bit hard to be too whiney about the position I find myself in because of the way God has blessed us with His grace. For me, grace shows up in the people God has placed in our life to support and minister to us. The evidence of grace is that my family is continuing to function and is beginning to flourish again even in the midst of great personal tragedy.

Oh yeah, let me make one thing perfectly clear.....the ONLY reason that we are functioning and beginning to flourish is because of God's grace. It isn't because I am strong or brave or courageous. I get falsely accused of those things sometimes. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with me, it has EVERYTHING to do with the sufficiency of His grace.


Laura said...

Well, well, well...looks like you've crossed over too. Interesting post my friend. Just know that this doesn't replace our "deep theological conversations," but maybe it can be a supplement to them.

Anyway, on this topic of God's grace. Yes I do see God's grace in His sustaining power to see people through difficult times. I guess my hang up on God's grace is that I'm trying to put a "black and white" definition on something that can't be labeled as "black and white."

It's not so much that I am having trouble seeing God's grace in the lives of people around me, it's more that I want to be able to understand it, much like I want ot be able to understand everything else. It makes me smile to hear you say "the evidnce of grace is that my family is continuing to function and is beginning to flourish again." That is testimony of God's grace and serves as a great reminder as to God working in the lives of those around me.

Bruce said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Shelly. I look forward to reading your thoughts, and perhaps join in occassionally with the discussions between you and Smitty.

Visit me anytime and leave me your thoughts and opinions.


Shelly said...

Smitty...Consider yourself an "instrument of God's grace" in my family.

Bruce....thanks for reading...I will be returning the favor...blessings to you!

trace said...

shelly, welcome - look forward to reading your posts.

trace (friend of bruce)

Bar L. said...

Warning: Blogging can be addictive. But, it also will connect you with some wonderful people! Glad you are here to share your thoughts!