Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Braden Moment....

Today, Braden had a cavity filled at the pediatric dentist. He was very intrigued by what all they did to him but had a real problem with the fact that the dentist pinched him. I am assuming that he is talking about how a dentist pinches your cheek to put the shot of numbing agent in. He told me several times about the dentist pinching him and how much it hurt. I tried to explain it the best I could but he wasn't buying it. He didn't think dentists should be pinching people.

So, tonight, he is sitting in the living room talking to himself (no one else is around). This is what he says: "When I grow up I am going to be a I can PINCH people". I just happened to overhear it and had a big laugh.

Gotta love him....

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